Quality wines from winery "Cantina Cerveteri"

  • Cerveteri (Roma)
  • Lazio
  • via Aurelia Km 42,700
  • Dati di produzione e vendita
  • Anno di fondazione: 2007
  • Superficie vitata: N/A
  • Bottiglie prodotte: N/A
  • Vendita diretta: No
  • Reperibilità dei prodotti: Internazionale
  • Export: N/A
  • Contatti e Ospitalità
  • Referente: Greta Letcheva
  • Visite in azienda: N/A
  • Lingue parlate: Inglese
Company FJ Commerce LTD,
offers quality wines produced in Italy from winery "Cantina Cerveteri", located in the town of Cerveteri, Rome district, region Lazio, whose owner with Italian company "Fontana Morella" we have an exclusive agreement to distribute the production in. "Cantina Cerveteri" has a team of highly qualified oenologists that combine the traditions of winemaking in the region with precise laboratory work and the most advanced manufacturing techniques to create unique range of wines with their own style, and is one of the most modern wineries in central Italy. Grapes from which the wine is produced in the "Cantina Cerveteri" is derived from selected and controlled vineyards in the region. What we offer is a direct contact for buyers with winemaker, without excessive markups and commissions.

For more information and prices:

Ms. Greta Letcheva

FJ Commerce ltd
Pazardzhik PO Box: 4400
Street Trapezitza N 6
Tel: +359888520030
Office: +359 34443775
Skype: gretalet
Email: greta.letcheva@gmail.com
Web: http://cantinacerveteri.blogspot.com
Website: http://oliorue.blogspot.com/
Vetrina attiva dal 28/02/2014, 1465 pagine viste, 87 click al sito
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